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The 20th Anniversary ‘Round Midnight Podcasts

The podcast recorded live from WSIE Radio in Southern Illinois. Meet the Players.
- Ahmad Jamal (influenced Miles’ music)
- Christiann, WSIE announcer
- Ron Carter (played with Miles)
- Young Lion Jason Brown (Educator & conductor of ESL Senior High School Jazz band)
- Keyon Harrold (played Trumpet for Don Cheadle in Miles Ahead movie)
- Young Lion Russell Gunn (Grammy nominee 2x)
- Young Lion Erika Johnson (Educator and jazz vocalist)
- Vince Wilburn, Jr. (played with Uncle Miles)
Young Lions are musicians who attended Lincoln Senior High School, same as Miles Davis.
Exhibit Curators

Meet the Exhibit Curator Panel
- Magdalene Linck moderated the podcast from the studios at Missouri History Museum.
- Vincent Bessiéres, curated We Want Miles exhibit at the Musée de la Musique/ Cite de la Musique in Paris. Vincent spent two years organizing the exhibition and also authored the book We Want Miles.
- Dr. Ben Cawthra curated the first Miles Davis Museum exhibit for the Missouri History Museum from1998 to 2001. MILES: A Miles Davis Retrospective launched in May 2001 for Davis’ 75 birthday. It took three years to complete the exhibit.
- Becki Hartke, worked with Ben as designer and project manager of MILES: A Miles Davis Retrospective.
- Vince Wilburn, Jr., Miles Ahead band leader, Evolution of the Grove host and nephew of Miles Davis.
MilesVillians Podcast

From the studio’s of HOME (House of Miles, East St. Louis) meet the literati MilesVillians Roundtable Panel.
- Quincy Troupe, poet, professor, and Miles Davis co-auto-biographer and documentarian.
- Dr. Eugene B. Redmond, professor, author and Poet Laureate of East St. Louis.
- Lauren Parks, educator, President & Co-Founder of the House of Miles;
- Dr. Michael Datcher, poet. bestselling author, professor; and Ronald Carter professor, bandleader, music historian.
- Reginald Petty, administrator, author, founder of the East St. Louis Historical Society.
Darlene Roy, poet, author and President of the Eugene B. Redmond Writers Club moderator.